Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

Its purpose is to group my previous projects and present myself on the same page that manages to represent me and, in turn, demonstrate my qualities.

Implemented technologies


Process and challenges

  1. As a first step I set out to make a header that stays on top all the time and, in turn, shows the different sections dynamically (using the interception observer)

  2. I had to implement a couple of things in other projects, and this was the perfect opportunity: dark theme and language support. For the first one, I used a methodology known as React Context, where I would change the variables main ones according to preferences (background color and text color). I had never applied (nor did I know about) i18n, I did a little research and found a library that handled it effectively and giving the possibility of saving the information in json files.

  3. Sections (where everything goes). I started to design the different sections, I mainly focused on deciding the content to style it in the future. This is where I faltered the most, I don't think I have provided the best user experience for intuitive navigation.

  4. I had thought of making a page for each project detailing the process, technologies and conclusions. Again I focused on functionality to style it later.

  5. In this step I styled the things I had left to do. Along the way, I learned quite a bit about animations and transitions,

  6. And last but not least, I sat down to write the projects and my main skills to later translate and format them.

  7. The final deployment was that of the portfolio, like the previous front-ends, it was extremely simple thanks to Vercel's capabilities for it.

Conclusion and next steps

I think that the style of some sections can be improved and a better dynamic can be created.